It was pretty windy up there, and it was finally cold enough to make me put on my jacket. All that sweat and the shirt I was wearing was like the ultimate air conditioning combination. Once I got off the top though, I had to take the jacket off, and it was just our luck that the clouds finally broke, but we weren't on top of the mountain anymore. Anyways, I grabbed a rock while I was up there for one of my coworkers at Sears who asked me to bring a rock back from Japan. This picture below shows how limited you visibility was, because these people were only like 25 feet away from me.
Posing is so much fun....
Anyways, we got back to the hotel, where I took an awesomely comfortable bath. Then I went back to the hotel room and napped for like an hour. We then went to supper where a fellow student, and some of the university staff wanted to take a picture with me while I was in my yukata.
We had octopus for supper and rice, and all that other good stuff.
After that we conversed in Japanese with other students for our activity for like an hour. After that we had karaoke, then we hit the hay.
On Sunday, we toured the geyser basin and walked around downtown Unzen, there wasn't much to see there. The geyser basin was pretty smelly, but the steam would be a lot cooler if it didn't smell like rotten eggs.
Anyways, got back home yesterday around 2:30pm, so I took another nap until my host mother got home. I had burgers with some of my cheddar cheese, granted the meet wasn't exactly ground beef, it was still quite tasty. After that we had an abridged tea ceremony with the Castella cake I had bought Kiyoko as a present, she said that when we both have more time, we'll do an unabridged tea ceremony, which will be good because I'll have a better idea on what to expect when i start doing that in my fine arts class.
While I was walking to my bus this morning, I took a picture of the bushes they got around here that are in full bloom, and it makes me kinda jealous that we don't have plants nearly this cool back in the States. Anyways, time for lunch, talk to you all later.
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