We also sat through our first boring Japanese ceromony. It was the entrance ceremony and I'd have to say church is more interesting. Some of the old guys on the stage were even sleeping, haha.

Today we went over more orientation at school, and then Sharon and I went to go meet our friend Jenny downtown. She was on break from school in the Navy(I guess even the Navy gets breaks). So we did our best showing her around, but we hadn't been in Nagasaki much.

We took her to the Peace Park which is a park with monuments made from all over the world representing peace in honor of the bombing of Nagasaki with the atomic bomb(or something close to that ideal). There's on big statue in particular that looks just like me, so I had to honor it by posing in front of it.

We spent a few more hours wandering around and then we had to bid Jenny and her boyfriend Hiro farewell as they are going back to Fukuoka tonight. Tomorrow, Sharon and I will be getting up at the crack of dawn to take a bus to Fukuoka to spend another day there with Jenny, Fukuoka is so cool. I should probably get to sleep, long day ahead of me tomorrow.
Beware the crow!

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