It was a long walk but an enjoyable one, when we got to Nozomi's school, there were many other Japanese children and they just kind of swarmed around me, it was awesome. Kiyoko managed to get all the good pictures which I'll have to snag from her later so I can show you guys. After we dropped Nozomi and Yuna off, we walked into Nagayo and then was picked up by Yuko for the drive to Nagayo Yakuba(city hall). Registration for my alien registration card took no more than 15 minutes, and then after that we were waiting for another fellow student. So in the meantime, Kiyoko took me up to the third floor and she chatted it up with a member of the International club. He asked me if I'd be interested in cooking an American dish for 100 or so people at their dinner on April 24th. The Nagayo Yakuba is going to pay for all the ingredients I'll need to make whatever dish I choose. So I have to find something American, easy to make for 100 people, and with ingrediants available in Japan. That's going to take some thinking.
Well, today I went to downtown Nagasaki after I registered with my city for my alien registration card. That went pretty easily, but we were running late to the Sakura Hanami(Cherry Blossom viewing party) because the other student in my prefecture misunderstood the time it'd be starting. Needless to say, we got down there ok by bus, after we got off, we had to find the massive department store we were supposed to meet our group at 1pm. I asked 2 people for directions, the first guy pointed us in the general direction, but being we didn't know what the place looked like, we were getting turned around by street signs and the map I had, I need a better map. The second person I asked was a nice lady who was also headed towards the store, so we just followed her and got there after a few minutes walk. I can't wait for Japanese lessons to start so I can actually start talking real well with people, I know some basic conversational Japanese as well as survival Japanese(asking directions, time, ect.) There are plenty of good pictures I haven't uploaded to my computer yet of today, but when I get the time, I will do so and update this post with the pictures for your viewing pleasure. Strangely enough, at the Hanami, there were very few cherry trees around us, we were sitting in a part of the park that a large group of people could gather easily and have a picnic so-to-speak. There were cherry trees blooming if you took a short walk around the park, though.

After I got back to Nagayo, I met my host mother in front of a SoftBank(cell phone company). We went inside and found out that I really couldn't have her sign her name as guarantor there, so I'll have to wait till I get my alien registration card which the earlier day is like April 14th or something like that. Tomorrow I will be living with a different host family for a few days while Kiyoko will be vacationing with Nozomi around Japan. I don't mind it at all, and it will be a neat change of pace as I'll get to live with another family for a bit. Other than that, we'll see what tomorrow holds in store for me.

Japan...very cool. I spent about 2-1/2 years...attended several of the Cherry Blossom festivals...talk about a crash course in culture....easy on teh Saki. As an American at the festival, you will probably get many invitations to sit at family tables and socialize....gret time.
Uncle Don
Have fun in Japan Chris. don't forget to bring back a few souvenirs. Mom says good luck.
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