Well, anyways... On Wednesday, I went to Fukuoka, after arriving there and speaking with the HP representatives and getting my problem worked out for the most part, this left Sharon and I with a whole day to explore Fukuoka some more. While we were walking to an anime store whose location I had found online, I spotted this hilarious sign painted on the sidewalk.
It was a beautiful day out, not hot at all and just the right amount of a breeze to keep me cool.
Anyways, we got to the anime store named Mandarake, that I had found out about online, and I have got to say it was the coolest anime store I've been to this entire trip so far. The first floor was manga, the second floor was art books and some figurines, the third floor was mostly cosplay costumes(all for girls), and the 4th floor was models and figurines. Unfortunately, pictures and video were not allowed, so I didn't push my luck, I would hate to get thrown out. After that store, we went over to Tenjin and shopped around InCube. Sharon finally got all the figurines for an anime called Escaflowne, she was very happy. I found this nifty re-usable silicone mold for 1050 yen, which basically allows you to make shot glasses out of any liquid you're capable of freezing in a freezer. I tested it out last night and popped them out of the mold this morning, my host mother was impressed and so were my friends.
Yesterday my traditional Japanese arts class started, all the guys got to put on a yukata and learned simple ways to tie a men's obi. I brought my own Yukata and obi and had a lot of fun. Next week we'll be learning how to tie some of the complicated women's kimono, and the week after that, we'll all dress in kimono and take a bunch of pictures, needless to say, the next two weeks will be most interesting.

To my parents, I just want to say thank you for sending me that care package, it was more than I expected but I'll have to say beggars can't be choosers. I took a picture because it was that epic.
Kiyoko enjoyed the American chocolate and ranch dressing a lot. She was very interested in the dressing especially when she noticed I only ate my salad plain. I told her I only liked Ranch and Caesar dressing. She knew what Caesar dressing was, but she had never heard of ranch dressing. When she looked it up in her electronic dictionary, there was no definition for a salad dressing, she asked me what it tasted like and I had a hard time trying to describe it. I could only tell her that this dressing was uniquely American. She enjoyed it very much, and now I will definitely enjoy my vegetables a lot more over here as they do constitute a large part of my meals. After supper yesterday, Nozomi and I took Moko(family dog) for a walk. I took a few pictures despite how dark it was, once again, all I can say is I love my camera. Anyways, here's those pictures and a few others, tune in next time, who knows what will happen next!
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