Other than that, I haven't been up to much, it's mostly because I'm not going anywhere as I'm saving my money for my trip. I think I'll have more pictures than I know what to do with when I come back from my trip. Let's see, these past two days have been real nice out, not too humid, more on the cool side. Some flowers that have taken several weeks to bloom have started to open up, I walk past these everyday when I'm walking towards my bus stop, and I could always tell when they were going to open up.
I believe this was yesterday, I was in a bit of a rush to get to my bus, as I was a bit behind schedule, but i had to stop and take a picture because I'd never seen it in my favorite bread shop before, the bread shop's name is "Nagayo no Sato" by the way. I wasn't expecting to see this either because I go to this bread shop every single morning before school, but here's what I found.
Yesterday we had another traditional arts class on kimono wearing, and we even learned a traditional dance, it was kind of repetitive, but nevertheless...interesting. The picture below is not the dance we did, but it was just another demonstration. One of my friends actually took video when we did the dance, so maybe someday I'll have that available for your viewing.
Other than that, I'm waiting for the "real" rainy season to kick in. I've already took some video with my camcorder, so maybe someday I'll get that uploaded, if not, I'll do it when I come home. I purchased a license for Quicktime Pro for my windows machine, but it's lacking some capabilities my Mac has, and so this saddens me. Anyways, until next time, おやすみなさい。
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