On Saturday I went to a matsuri(festival) at a hospital, and watched my host mother hula dance. After that we walked around with the children and their parents, we watched them play some of the games there, and I tried my hand at catching a goldfish, it was very fun. My host mother managed to catch the biggest one in there, haha. I had the weekend off and even Monday too.
However on Monday, I got driven to school to attend a farewell ceremony, there were some snacks and a lot of people. The president of the school gave a speech in a auditorium and after two speeches by students, we went down to the cafeteria to eat. There were three students who did a yosokoi dance for us, it was really cool and i videotaped all of it. However, I can't put it on the internet so you'll just have to ask to see it in person.
Tuesday I had my Oral Japanese test, that went pretty well. After that, I had to wait around for calligraphy. We painted on some really nice paper and it was a lot of fun.
Yesterday was really fun, I came to school in my geta, yukata, and straw hat. I got a lot of compliments and requests for a picture. I continued working on my management paper and eventually got that done, after which i started on the presentation.
Today I had to wake up early, walk to Nagayo's city hall and cancel my insurance. I also had to pay an extra 3500 yen that I wasn't planning on, and that stinks cause I was going to use that money in Fukuoka. It was really hot and then I had to go catch my bus. When I arrived at school I went to class and presented my management paper. I aced the Japanese test, thank goodness too. Tonight I have my last dinner with my host family, I'm going to miss them a lot, they were so nice. Tomorrow's plan is I leave for Fukuoka at 9:45AM, and when I get there I'll drop off my stuff at the hotel. From there on I'll either try to find this festival thats going on in Fukuoka, or I'll just spend the last of the money I've been saving. I land in Chicago on August 2nd at 3:25pm, and now I can finally eat the emergency Craisins! I bought this small on-the-go pack of craisins before I left Japan. I told myself they'd be the "Emergency Craisins: Do not open unless your plane is crashing and you need a last meal, or if your plane has already crashed and you survived, only eat these after all human survivors have been eaten and there's no food left. Can also be used in case a bear attacks you..." See you guys on the other side!
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