Well, aside from the rainy season picking up, like lots of rain all day Saturday and Sunday, and even saw lightning and heard thunder in Japan. I didn't even think it was possible for Japan to have thunderstorms. The dog thought so too, because everytime thunder rumbled through the sky she'd go barking her little head off. Kiyoko asked me about lightning and thunder as well, what it was like in the United States. I told her there's so many thunderstorms that nearly 100 people or so a year die from lightning strikes. There are also many instances when a bolt of lightning will strike the ground. Oh ya, on top of that, she found out how much I truly eat when I told her what I usually have about for breakfast. She didn't believe me when I told her that I usually eat 3-5 large bowls of cereal and drink about half a gallon of milk in one sitting. For Japanese, one egg is fine, she was very suprised when I told her I eat about 6. The other day she got to talk to my dad over skype, and he asked her if I eat a lot, she said yes but she didn't realize what he meant all the way. I told her the best way to see my stomach, is as a black hole. That if she ever got a chance to talk to Sharon again, to ask her what my nickname is. Sharon will probably say, "The Black Hole." Kiyoko was worried that I was starving after I told her how much food I can actually eat, I told her that I was fine and not to worry. She knows I like meat, and then she asked about how much meat I eat, I told her in about 2 of my sandwiches, there are about 400g of meat. That if I ever get hands on steak, I eat roughly a Kilogram or more. Well, other than Kiyoko's revelation on how much food I actually eat, it's been boring around here. I spent all day Sunday messing around with skype and my camcorder. I was able to use my camcorder as a webcam, so those of you who want to talk to me on Skype, add karrakerc to your contacts.
Other than that, on Friday I went to the Nagasaki Medical College and Hospital. This medical college is the oldest in Japan, and it was also the only medical college in the world to be destroyed an atomic blast. When we arrived there, we watched a 15 minute video of the aftermath of the Atomic Blast on Nagasaki. It was pretty horrendous and thus I will not show any photos relating to what people physically experienced. Some of the photos depict the range at which the blast affected Nagasaki. The hospital and medical college were roughly 600 meters from the hypnocenter of the atomic bomb.
This is the stone gateway that stood in front of the medical college, it's actually tilting out of it's foundations, and is a good demonstration how powerful the explosion was.

After that we toured the Nagasaki Medical College's Hospital, and I must say it's quite interesting. Mom, I took these pictures for you because I figure you'd like to see their facilities. This first picture is the door to a patients room, the panel tells doctors and nurses who the patient is by touching the LCD panel.

This is a standard room for patients...

Next is the Japanese version of a premium patient's room. You pay 500 dollars for this room, and then 20 dollars per day. They get a bigger bathroom, a fridge, a 27" LCD TV, and even a balcony. Pretty comfortable hospital I'd say.

Here are a few other pictures, they include the nurses station, the guest room, and the X-Ray examination room.

The guy in the picture was the one leading the tour and explaining everything to us. Other than that, it's just dealing with the cursed humidity because the school doesn't turn on the air conditioners till July. Sorry for not posting much lately, we're going to a castle on Saturday, so there should be stuff for me to talk about. Enjoy your coldness and air conditioning people!!!!
1 comment:
It's Laura. =]
I read a few of your entries
and they sound really interesting and lively.
Never thought I'd say it but... but...
I MISS YOU! Joking, but I really do miss you.
I'm keeping this short cause I'm sooo tired,
but I love you and I hope all is well =]
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